The old White Pass train travels the scenic Yukon Route multiple times daily in Skagway, Alaska. The locomotive and passenger cars are on what is called a narrow-gauge rail that originally linked Skagway to Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon.
Read MoreThe Gum Wall in Seattle, Washington
The infamous bubble gum wall in Seattle, Washington is a site to see. It is full of ABC (Already Been Chewed) gum of all colors – some faded and some nice, bright and wet (gross).
Read MoreCan you stomach the past?
I always find it so intriguing how others have all the answers on what to do, right from wrong, how you should feel vs. how you really feel, etc. I wonder how so many people know so much about others?
He was standing quietly against a wall of windows, barely audible as he asked those who smirked past him, “Do you have any change?” I failed to see even one person stop to simply ask why he needed the money.
If anyone did ask, they would learn the elderly gentleman has a place to stay, but his entire social security check went to the monthly cost. He had no money to eat. It was that simple... money to eat.
If you asked a passerby one might state, “That's what his food stamp or EBT card is for.” Then, the senior citizen might reply, “But, $15 is not enough to eat more than four meals on - if I shop for the most valuable deals.” Of course, that is only if he has a card.
It is to easy to assume you have the answers to the problems, the life obstacles, the aliments or the cures for another until you live their life both the past and the present. But, make sure you are able to stomach their past.
“Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.”
Happy in the Years
If I gave him a nickname, it would be happy. He was sitting on a decorative brick wall in front of a closed business on a sunny Saturday morning in downtown Seattle, Washington.
Read MoreWheelchair bound since 2010 - Today Jimmy walked out of the hospital
Do to MRSA (Mer-sa), which is a staph infection, doctors had to amputate his right leg. After the surgery, he was wheelchair bound and fell into depression that lasted for years. S
Read MoreNugget Falls
Nugget Falls sits to the right of Mendenhall Glacier and actually flows from another nearby glacier known as Nugget Glacier in Alaska.
Read MoreThe House of Skis
On the way to Eaglecrest, 12 miles from Juneau, Alaska, motorist pass this house of skis on Douglas Island. Eaglecrest is a 1,540 foot vertical mountain that is a popular area for skiers far and wide.
Read MoreThank you Russia for selling America Alaska for $7.2 Million
This is Gold Mine Creek… In 1880, Joe Juneau and Richard Harris found large pieces of quartz mixed with gold in this very same waterway. Juneau later created the Treadwell Mine which became the largest gold mine in the world.
Read More12 Days Ago, Phillip Received a Brand New Heart
In this 7 minute podcast, WGNS' Scott Walker spoke to new heart recipient Phillip Mclanahan...
Read MoreVisiting a closed down TN Department of Corrections Facility
PRISON: In 2014 the state proposed closing the Charles Bass Correctional Complex in Nashville with a goal of saving over $16 million per year.
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