Let's all send Isaiah a birthday card for his third birthday on October 22, 2017-address below
(Scroll Down for Interview) Two year old Isaiah Davis will celebrate his third birthday at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville on Sunday, October 22, 2017 and not at his Christiana home. Isaiah was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.
Isaiah’s mother Jessica stays by his side 24/7 as he goes through his treatments. However, it is sometimes hard for Jessica to muster up the energy to hold her son’s hand as she too is struggling.
Of course, any mother watching their child go through Leukemia treatment would suffer emotionally, but for Jessica it is completely draining.
Both mom and Isaiah have similar feeding tubes and both find themselves sleeping most of the day away due to a lack of energy because of their medical circumstances.
While Isaiah has Leukemia, Jessica has Cystic Fibrosis. She was diagnosed with the disease at age twelve and she too went through extensive treatments at Vanderbilt. Today, Jessica is in need of a double lung transplant, but that is the last thing on her mind. Instead, she is focusing her energy on making sure that Isiah has a room filled with birthday cards. The soon to be three year old loves to look up at his wall as he falls asleep and see all of the brightly colored cards that arrive in the mail from time to time.
Jessica is asking people both locally and around the world, to send Isaiah a birthday card… if you are able to.
Birthday Card Address for Isaiah Davis s:
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital
6th Floor Isaiah Davis
2200 Children's Way
Nashville, TN 37232
Below you can hear a brief interview with Jessica and her son: