I recently took a trip to Owsley County, Kentucky. The county is one of the poorest counties in the entire nation. For the entire story with sound files and interviews, click here.
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I recently took a trip to Owsley County, Kentucky. The county is one of the poorest counties in the entire nation. For the entire story with sound files and interviews, click here.
Read MoreI had an amazing, eye-opening, interesting and somewhat sad trip to Owsley, County KY.
Read MoreI had an amazing, eye-opening, interesting and somewhat sad trip to Owsley, County KY. The poverty rate in the county is the HIGHEST in the United States. I headed up there with a friend and we randomly knocked on doors of trailers, buses, and homes and handed out food to those in dire need. We also gave a box of student bibles to a local woman in Boonseville, KY who runs a Christian outreach center. She told us that meth is a major battle for them.
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