Jimmy and Kathy: They have been together for 15 years. Some of those years spent in motels and other years an apartment. Some of their time has been in hospitals while other times have been on the streets. A few ups and a few downs. 15 years.
This photo was taken just two days before Jimmy passed away.
Today I received a phone call from Mrs. Kathy... Jimmy died.
You may recall the photo I posted of the two kissing just two days ago. I took that picture not realizing that would be the last motel they ever check into together.
Shortly after Jimmy died today (2/5/18), I gave that photo to Kathy and she said that she would talk to it tonight while asking if he has really passed away.
While in her motel room Charlie Jenkins from Medical Necessities pulled up and Kathy looked out her window and said, "I called about getting Jimmy's oxygen delivered this morning." I met the man outside their room and told him the news. He asked, "Do you mind if I talk to her?" I invited him inside.
As Charlie entered the room he told her how sorry he was for her loss and then put his hand on her shoulder. She started crying and he said, "I will pray for you." He then said it again, "I will pray for you."
The words that followed were unexpected. He said to Kathy, "I understand what you're going through - loss is hard... " He then told her about the loss of his 7 year old daughter due to cancer.
All loss is sad, but you never know what someone is going through... ever.
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. ”