Heroin is real: “My boyfriend died of a Heroin overdose last month… I’m all alone,” she told me. “His family continues to threaten me, he was married, but I did not know that at the time,” she said while looking down at the ground. We visited with her at the group home she is currently living in, deep into the bowels of downtown Nashville. She is currently living in a group home while emotionally overcoming not only the death of a loved one, but overcoming her own problems. She too was a heroin addict, but has not used in quite some time. Considering the circumstances, she is doing well.
Because her story and life are so fragile, I made sure it was okay to share her story even asking her twice. My thought is that perhaps her story could help someone else.
My friend Chris Spence noticed her Florida Gators Tattoo and she told us that she moved to Tennessee after her gastric bypass surgery. I smiled and said, “Man, you have already overcome so much.” She told us with a glimmer of hope, “I use to weigh over 400-pounds.”
Prior to visiting her, we stopped by the grocery store and carefully selected foods that included fresh fruits that would agree with her diabetic diet. She was so thankful.
"Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." - Napoleon Hill