While in Georgia, I came across a traveling husband and wife who had been married for 15 years. The wife (pictured) was given about six months to live after being diagnosed as having a inoperable brain tumor and the two decided to travel the United States taking in sites and scenes that they have never been a part of. From California to the East Coast, they traveled the back roads by way of "Gas Jugging."
I was unfamiliar with the term of "Gas Jugging," so with curiosity I asked, "What is that?" The woman looked at me and held her hands up as if she were holding a gallon container of milk. She said, "You pull into a gas station and instead of asking for money, which many people do, you hold out this empty milk container. You approach people filling their car up with gas and you ask, would you possibly fill up my container with gas for my camper?"
"So, what was the most friendly city you guys have visited," I asked? Her husband smiled and said, "Really, all of Tennessee. Everyone was so kind." I did not ask what city or state was the most unfriendly, but they did tell me that they met all types of people while on their journey. "We met young people who train hopped to get across the country, we even met crack heads that we routinely bought dinner for - we had to quit doing that though, it got too expensive," they said in agreement.
I asked the woman, "When were you given 6 months to live?" Without hesitation her husband beamed with a smile from ear to ear... "3 years ago."