One of the many faces I recently saw at the defunct four story hotel we visited last week. This is Jeffery, his last job ended several years ago when this hotel closed down. Jeffery was over maintenance... he never left.
I don't know what mistakes Jeffery made in his past and it doesn't really matter, but I do know that he cares greatly for Rocky (Raquel) who has stage four liver disease. She lived in the hotel with him and he cared for her daily. On the day we visited, she was transported to Vanderbilt Medical Center to receive the medical care that she needed. Later this month, I have a strong hunch that Jeffery will be able to get an apartment that he and Rocky can finish living their days in, together. This is due to two simple things, the first being that we visited this hotel. The second that my friend Derek Burks, attorney, took the time to offer his services.
He then showed me a photo that was taken in about 2010. It was a photo of him and he said, "Didn't I look handsome? I thought about shaving this beard, but I don't look the same as I did.
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama