HAITI January 2015: The expression of children is the same worldwide when they see something that they find interesting, intriguing or fascinating. The pains of hunger and thirst are even forgotten as these kids look down the dirt street at an approaching three wheeled motorcycle as it dips in and out of potholes.
The motorcycle is playing American Christmas music, but the children just know it as a catchy tune. It sounds like music notes being played on a 1980's Casio keyboard. No words, just dry musical notes. The same tune is played over and over again. American's would think the three wheeled bike was the ice cream man, but they would be sadly mistaken.
An ill faced man sits at the helm of the trike that is hauling a load of water in individual baggies that resemble the traditional zip-lock sandwich bags. The water is clean, clear and cold as it is sitting on a bed of ice. If the children have any change, they can buy one 6-ounce bag of water and rip it open with their teeth, and discard the plastic edge into the street.
Sadly, no children were able to buy a water. Only one adult took advantage of the passing water man, grabbing a water from the bottom of the stack. The children will have to get their water from the neighborhood well that is about 200-feet to the left of this photo. The well water is cloudy with a white tint to it. The children know no difference in the taste of their water and likely assume it taste the same as the baggies of water. The only problem, the well water comes from a source that is contaminated with sewage and other contaminants that litter the area.